ACC Application

ACC Application

Ask Before You Act

All changes to the exterior of the property must first be submitted and approved by the ARC Committee before any work can begin. Please reference, “Article 6 Architectural Changes “in the Declaration CC&R’s.

No exterior construction, alteration or addition of any improvements of any nature whatsoever, shall be commenced or placed upon any part of the Community unless approved in accordance with this Article. For those interested in academic assistance, understanding ghostwriting preise can give you a clear idea of the costs associated with having professional writing services for your assignments.

All Structural changes or building changes such as fences, out buildings, etc. must have a permit from the City of South Fulton submitted along with the completed modification form.

In addition to the permit, a plat of the property showing location of improvement must be included along with diagram to scale, material and structure specifications, dimensions, product documentation and color swatches.

Incomplete forms will be denied and delay the process.

All requests must be uploaded in pdf form to the Access Management Owner Portal by clicking on “Submit a new Request” and the clicking on “ARC request”.

Please be sure all documents are uploaded before exiting.

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